FTP Servers

Like Web
Servers, FTP servers are also installed on the Internet. Many corporate organizations and corporate uses FTP servers to distribute their files
worldwide or countrywide. When a user clicks on the download link on a website, it
actually redirects to the FTP server instead of HTTP. There are lots of
different files, some of them are accessible by the normal public and some of
them are accessible to the employees of the company the server belongs to. FTP
server is divided into two parts to separate the general public from private users.

*       Non-anonymous Server
*       Anonymous Server

Non-anonymous Server:
When you use a non-anonymous
server, you have to log in with your Login id and password.

Anonymous Server:
Anonymous servers are used most
commonly in FTP servers or the Internet File Transfer Protocol. The FTP sites
that allow anonymous FTP do not need any password to access. You only have
to put your email id as a record to browse the website anonymously.

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