Wide Area Network (WAN)

    WAN is also known as a digital communication system. By using this system, we can connect different sites with computer and user terminals. It can also enable LANs to communicate with each other. Networks, that are related to it can be developed to operate nationwide or worldwide. Generally the transmission media, such as satellite links, telephone lines use WANS.
are used to interconnect LANs which may be at opposite sides of a country or
located around the earth’s globe.

    WANs combine
the error detection and correction techniques included in synchronous
communication with robust network problem determination and data routing to
form powerful backbones that ensure high-quality, reliable service for end-users. These networks allow multiple users to access 
simultaneously a variety of host
computers through the same physical medium while separating
each user’s session so that no user is aware of another on the network. WANS also operate at a much higher speed than normal voice-grade telephone lines that is 19,200 bps.
      The following methods are followed by WAN.

Remote Data
:-  It is possible to enter data for sales and
transmissions at the point-of-sale terminals using WANs. F
or processing or reporting purposes it is also possible to
centralize this data in a computer. For example,
supermarkets in advanced countries connected through WANs can send all sales
data from their remote sale centres and the central purchase and distribution
centre can monitor all the sale figures on a day-to-day basis. The central
distribution centre can thereafter act to supply the grocery items needed in
different supermarkets based on the data collected from these branches. These
help to control all the branches and timely supply of all the items to
different branches.

     Similarly, students and teachers of Universities or high schools can write and execute their data on a central computer. 

   For example,
if all IITs( Indian Institute of Technology) are connected through WANs, then
the research projects can be implemented easily because a program developed at
one of the IITs can be used online by students of other IITs and duplication of
documents can be avoided. This not only brings efficiency but also the economy of
Centralizing Information:-
It is often convenient for a business to centralize
regional/national information. For example, auto part dealers can be helped in locating
rare auto parts using a centralized computer file of inventory items.

Facilitating Communication:corporate in
advanced countries often use WANs to facilitate employee communications, to
save on long-distance phone calls and letter writing, to cut costs on the
preparation of written documents, and also to overcome time-lags in
overseas communications. Computer conferencing in which users communicate with
each other through their computer systems is another possible function of

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